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A group contains all the expenses that you and your relatives, the members, will create. You can create a group for an event: weekend, trip, family reunion…, or for your everyday life: accounting of your couple, your roommate, etc.

You can create a new group from your application or by joining an existing one. There is no limit on the number of groups you can belong to.

Groups with the most recent changes are displayed first.

Create a group

To create a group, click on "New group." Start by choosing a name for it, then add all the members. Choose the default currency of the group and validate the creation by clicking on "create."

Share a group

Protecting access to your group with a password is strongly recommended but is optional. Anyone who knows or finds the group ID will access it if you do not secure it.

When you have created a group, let your relatives access it.

For this, you must share the generated unique identifier, consisting of a few letters and numbers (example: 8GX9F).

  1. From the list of operations, click on "Share".
  2. If you haven't already done so in the sharing screen, click on "share online." The app will ask you to protect the group with a password.
  3. This shared group will have its identifier displayed on the screen. Click on it to copy it.
  4. A "Share" button is also present to help you obtain a link to the group to send to your relatives.

Join a group

A relative invited you to an existing group? After downloading the application, or going to, click on "Join a group" and enter the identifier sent by the group's creator. Do not forget the password if it exists.